How to: Let's Transform Your Look with Instalength Magnetic Hair Extensions!


To install Instalengths:

There are many ways to use your instalengths magnet hair extensions! These are a revolutionary temporary hair extension that can be used daily. You should take them out before bed, before showering or swimming, or any other activity that would add excessive wear to them.


  1. Make sure hair is clean and dry. Curl, straighten or brush extensions prior to installing them. Be careful to keep any heat away from bonds.
  2. Section off an area 1-2 inches above your hairline. Back comb the hair to attach the extension to. Secure hair extensions facing each other or folded in half close to root. Repeat the same step 1-2 inches up. It is important for you to install them far enough away that they do not bond together.
  3. Section off a u shape around the crown area of your head, below the round part. Secure hair extensions facing each other or folded in half close to root. On each side, use extensions folded in half 1-2inches away from hairline so extensions are not visible.
  4.  For added security, lightly back comb/tease hair around crown. This will ensure that the extensions remain invisible.


Find other ideas of how to wear your Instalengths extensions or share your pictures and ideas on our Instagram @instalengths or Facebook. You can also email us at instalengths@gmail.com. Thank you for being a fan! XO

STEP 4: Enjoy your new look! 

To Remove Instalengths Magnetic Hair Extensions:

Removal must be done with care. DO NOT pull the bonds apart. Simply apply slight pressure and slide the magnets apart to detach. Store correctly to avoid unnecessary wear or damage.